The Longest Shortest Time

EPISODE #216: We Made You A Mix Tape

A baby picked up by the police, the joy and terror of kale, and talking birth control in front of your dad. Three little treasures that we’ve been dying to share with you!

EPISODE #67: I’ve Got News 6

Our series on accidental pregnancy continues with audience favorite Ellen Kecskemethy. Who’s got brand new news.

EPISODE #61: I’ve Got News 3

A man finds out on his 47th birthday, he’s about to become a grandpa. Plus, the rest of our popular father-daughter “I’ve Got News” series about surprise pregnancy.

EPISODE #20: I’ve Got News 5

We conclude the I’ve Got News series with the birth of Ellen’s baby . . . and the project Tom took on to cope.

EPISODE #18: I’ve Got News 4

Two weeks before their due date, Ellen and Tim reflect on the game of Being Awesome at Being Adult.

EPISODE #17: I’ve Got News 3

We continue our series following a young pregnant woman, this time with grandpa’s perspective.

EPISODE #16: I’ve Got News Too

Tom got news. Then more news. Now there’s even more.

EPISODE #12: I’ve Got News

A newly married guy finds out his wife is pregnant while he’s at sea and just a few years later, to his surprise, becomes a stay-at-home dad.